Sunday, January 20, 2013

kill list

The leader of the government regularly sits down with his senior generals and spies and advisers and reviews a list of the people they want him to authorize their agents to kill. They do this every Tuesday morning when the leader is in town. The leader once condemned any practice even close to this, but now relishes the killing because he has convinced himself that it is a sane and sterile way to keep his country safe and himself in power. The leader, who is running for re-election, even invited his campaign manager to join the group that decides whom to kill. ... Can the president legally do this? In a word: No. - President Obama's secret kill list
[выделено мной - вс]

вот статья в nyt, на которую Fox ссылается: Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will. вот на эту же тему New Yorker: THE PRESIDENT’S KILL LIST и подборка в (см. "Just War" or Just War?, хороший заголовок).

интересно, что Шварц открыто критиковал Обаму за подписание расстрельных списков... но про это можно узнать только из fringe media, вроде Obama’s ‘kill list’ critic found dead in New York City ( со ссылкой на Иранское PressTV, да).

вроде бы я за новостями слежу, но про kill list как-то пропустил...

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