Saturday, August 3, 2024

Spain in Our Hearts

google search for Torkild Rieber returns on top Norwegian seaman, while Wiki says at the very beginning that he was a Norwegian immigrant to the United States who became chairman of the Texas Company (Texaco). here's an enlightening article about this gentleman: How Texaco Helped Franco Win the Spanish Civil War: "Not a single investigation on the subject appeared in any major American newspaper at a time when the civil war in Spain was front-page news almost daily."

listening to Spain in our hearts, about Americans in Spanish Civil War.

beautiful and smart women: Virginia Cowles, Martha Gellhorn. and courageous too. Toby Jensky, Milly Bennett... wonderful Virginia Cowles reported from both sides in the war: Looking for Trouble

see also Robert Hale Merriman.

Even the fervently anti-Stalinist George Orwell, who witnessed the Stalinist secret police in the Soviet-controlled Loyalist government hunt down his fellow front-line soldiers on trumped-up charges of being fascist spies, learned that, in at least one instance, one of those arrested was murdered by his Communist captors, grudgingly admitted that those like Merriman were proof that “’good party men’ make the best soldiers.” -Robert Merriman Was Brave, But Apologized For Soviet Tyranny

интересная книга. грустная.

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