Of course, you are free to draw your own conclusions. But one wonders what the Indian media in the Asian subcontinent -- and Bachchan himself -- will make of a Bollywood star playing an ugly Jewish stereotype from an anti-Semitic novel of past Americana.в общем, нет ответа. вот индусец D'Souza пишет:
Jews don’t want negative portrayal of their characters. ... Jews control much of Hollywood. Stories are changed so that Jews are not shown to be bad people.how very interesting about Indecent Proposal! он, правда, все перепутал, женщина в книге - American gentile, а предложение делает ее мужу-еврею араб.In the novel Indecent Proposal the man who makes the offer of one million dollars for one night to a married woman is a Jew and the woman who accepts the offer is an Arab. In the film they are not shown as Jew and Arab. ... Jews did not want the exhibition of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ.
... Marlon Brando once said in Hollywood prophets of all religions are ridiculed except Moses. Later he issued an apology. ... Not many American actors want to do roles that offend Jews.
книги по теме:
. The Big Bankroll: The Life And Times Of Arnold Rothstein
. Tough Jews : Fathers, Sons, and Gangster Dreams
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ну и для справки про Брандо:The Oscar-winning star of ``The Godfather'' made the comment Friday on CNN's ``Larry King Live.'' Hollywood, he said, ``is owned by Jews, and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of people who are suffering.''и 'Misunderstood' Brando weeps, apologizes to rabbisHe listed negative stereotypes that he said have been in the movies. ``We've seen the nigger, and the greaseball. We've seen the chink. We've seen the slit-eyed dangerous Jap. ... But we never saw the kike, because they knew perfectly well that that's where you draw the wagons around,'' Brando said.

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