Even so, to-day, a well-known statesman gets his information with regard to Russia from his private secretary, who gets it from a London M.P., who gets it from his cousin with a German name, who gets it from a person kept in England by the Bolsheviks for exactly that purpose.
- Bolshevik Adventure by John Pollock
nice euphemism, cousin with a German name, even quoted in The Fine Old Hebrew Gentleman
там же далее
Russia will recover sooner from the effects of the war than any other European nation, and will in our lifetime probably become the richest and most powerful in the world, not excepting the United States.написано в 1919-м

Various American journalists and representatives of charitable societies have in the last few months visited Russia, more or less under Bolshevik protection, and have not scrupled to express opinions favourable to the Bolsheviks; which has about the same effect on Russian educated opinion as it would have upon Americans if Russians visited and belauded an insurrectionary Negro Government that had mastered, say, South Carolina and murdered most of the whites.
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