didn't make the front page of nyt though. Prince Andrew named in US lawsuit over underage sex claims - nor in The Guardian, even though it's their very own prince. on the other hand Mr. Dershowitz is better than any prince. Jewish prince...

See also this piece in nyt from Nov 2013 on the new book ‘Taking the Stand,’ by Alan Dershowitz. On the photograph Alan Dershowitz, center, argues for his client Gigi Jordan, accused of killing her 8-year-old son.
Alan Dershowitz said the woman making the claims "should not be believed". - и где там наши феминистки?
в общем за этим стоит понаблюдать. вот с картинками из Daily Mail.
ну и, наконец, Alan Dershowitz says ‘anti-Israeli zealots are loving’ accusations against him. где же ADF и Abraham Foxman?
endless fun:
Who is Jeffrey Epstein?
He is a Wall Street financier with ties to education, having worked in both industries. His early career was spent teaching calculus, before he became an options trader, and then began his own financial management firm to serve billionaires.
upd 4/8: Judge Throws Out Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Prince Andrew
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