Friday, August 1, 2014

US aircraft 'violates'

A classified document from the Swedish Defence Force, which was leaked on Wednesday, revealed that the mystery flight passed over Swedish airspace from the east.

The plane, a Boeing RC-135, was denied permission to pass over Swedish airspace, but the pilots chose to disregard the refusal.

The paper reported that the plane was being chased across the Baltic Sea by a Russian aircraft that had flown up from the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad.

Neither the foreign ministry nor the Swedish Defence Force have confirmed or denied the report.

- US aircraft 'violates' Swedish airspace

какие мелочи, ни одна газета кроме The Local не нашла в этом ничего интересного.

upd: не прошло и полгода как nyt призналась, что Sweden is not a member of NATO, and the European Command said in its statement that the RC-135 had been directed toward Swedish territory “incorrectly by U.S. personnel.”

who gives a fuck anyways

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